Hjärtekatten Abbe. 

A charity project for Hjärt- och Lungfonden.


A crochet cat with a broken heart called Abbe. Abbe was designed and crocheted by Louise for a charity auction on hejaabbe.com, an award winning blog run by a father of a child with a heart condition. All the profits from the auction went to Hjärt- och Lungfonden’s campain ”Alla barnhjärtans månad”.

After this project Louise’s idea was lent to the project hjartekatten.se and now all children with a heart condition get their own hjärtekatt when hospitalized at Drottning Silvias barn- och ungdomssjukhus in Göteborg or Skånes universitetssjukhus in Lund. The cats are crocheted by volunteers all around Sweden. Over 5600 cats has been crocheted as by April 2022.

By Louise Christiansson, 2011.
